咨询电话 (+86 871) 6745 1511
发布时间:2018-08-31     来源:原创


8月22号,我校迎来了国际文凭组织预授权官员为期两天的咨询访问。这是IBO(International Baccalaureate Organization)第一次对我校进行预授权访问。

根据IB(International Baccalaureate)要求,申请成为IB学校必须通过IBO(International Baccalaureate Organization)严格的审核,确认符合IB官方要求,才能得以授权;在授权后,才能教授IB课程。认证通常需要两到三年。整个认证过程是一个非常艰难、极具挑战,但非常值得做的工作。两年来,我校从管理层、教职员工到学生和家长,一直为此默默地努力着,为交出一份令人满意的答卷而全力以赴。




Can you please tell me about the visit to KWYA of the IBO Consultant Mrs. Madhani? (IB组织的咨询顾问Madhani女士,下同)

Mr.Gray:The consultant works for the IB, but she also works for us. She is here to make sure we are ready to become an IB school. She mostly spoke with me about our classes, library, laboratories, and teachers. She wants to know if we have met all of the requirements. She also spoke to parents and students of our first IBDP class (Grade 10).

What is the Consultant's advice to our school?

Mr.Gray:The VIP has given a lot of advice to our school on how we can plan to teach IB next year. This includes making a schedule, have the right books in the library, what classes we should offer our students, and how teachers can work together to make our teaching more like IBDP. We are on the right track to getting everything completed. It is a lot of work which I will have to complete with many deadlines coming up very soon.

What do parents of grade 10 think about our upcoming IB accreditation?

Mr.Gray:The Grade 10 parents were very supportive of IBDP. The Consultant said they were very enthusiastic and they show a lot of trust in their children's teachers. However, she wants the parents to know much more about the IB philosophy of education and how the IBDP works. So, the parents and myself will have to sit down at least two more times this semester to discuss what the IB is. Then, we will have another IB visit after Chinese New Year.

采       写:刘思娜


美       编:李春辉

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